COVID-19: Expect Delivery Delays. - Disclaimer: We are an unofficial reseller.

About us

FAST SHIPPING - via Express in One week!.  We are the premier third party worldwide suppliers of heat-not-burn tobacco related products.

Being the go-to source of HNB products, you can be sure that we have the latest models and most premier quality of Kits, Cases & Accessories.  

If for any reason you are not satisfied with your order, please contact us at and we will rectify any situation with extreme efficiency and effectiveness. 

Whether you are in USA or Canada, Australia or the Middle-East, we are here to serve you.  We have shipped to many countries around the world*.

*Please note order cancellations will incur the Shipping & Handling charge of your purchase.

*You are responsible with ensuring to comply with laws and regulations of the country of destination. Orientir Dubai does not have any responsibility for any additional charges that may apply.